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Category Archives: Counseling

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The Struggle Of Dating Someone With Anxiety Disorder

If you do not have an anxiety disorder, you might find it difficult to date someone with this condition. This is far from an impossible task to take on, but you need to spend some time understanding your new partner’s situation before you react poorly to it. You could either help this person conquer elements […]

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Do You Have Symptoms Of Codependency? Part 2

Loss Of Control Codependents lose their ability to control their own lives. This may happen as a result of the person they are with, or it may be due to drug and alcohol addiction. Some codependents keep themselves busy with work, shopping, and other hobbies to feel like they are in control again. Many of […]

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Do You Have Symptoms Of Codependency? Part 1

Codependency used to be a term used to refer to spouses of alcoholics, but over the last few decades, it has expanded to refer to individuals who depend on their significant others more than they probably should. This goes beyond income and financial stability. It has to do with emotional manipulation and control. Researchers have […]

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How to Start Over after Losing a Loved One

Most people don’t expect to lose the friends and family members they cherish the most. We all know that this will inevitably happen, but facing the emotions of death seems too overwhelming to think about. If you have experienced the sudden loss of someone near you, chances are you feel completely alone in your suffering. […]

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How To Build Relationships In A Texting World

Back in the 50’s, relationships came about in a very systematic way. A boy who liked a girl would go through a courtship process until the two eventually “went steady.” They would grow closer with each date as they talked to one another about their passions and dreams. Fast-forward to 2014 and you’ll see that […]

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Treating Trauma Within The Family

Part 2 While determining if a condition is considered traumatic can be difficult, there are a few techniques for who clearly need assistance. Talk therapy has proven to be an effective method of trauma treatment, and significantly minimizes symptoms of PTSD. This type of therapy can also alleviate stress on both the mind and the […]

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Treating Trauma Within The Family

Part 1 Once trauma hits you, it seems like you’ll hold onto it forever. It burrows into the smallest and darkest places of our mind, body, and soul, causing emotional and physical inabilities. Studies have now shown that behavioral issues that comes with trauma, may not only affect the person dealing with it, but could […]

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Because It’s Easier To Hide

When you look over at the people who are social and chatty, you wonder to yourself, Why can’t that be me? These people are likeable, welcoming, and seem to have everything. They’ve been given all the right chances and rarely burned down. But, you know all too much how it feels to get knocked on […]

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Sleep Away Your Relationship Woes

It is no secret that sleep deprivation is detrimental to your everyday life. Busy adults are constantly finding ways to combat their lack of sleep with additional caffeine and other stimulants. Unfortunately, these tactics only work for a short period of time, thus starting the sleep deprived cycle all over again. Knowing that a lack […]

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Break Free Of Mental Traps In Your Relationship

Intimate relationships come with a multitude of differences in opinions, actions, and perception. Whenever two people clash personalities, mental traps and lockdowns are a common element, and underlying factor of arguments. By developing a more calm and composed approach to handling these problems, you can make the steps towards more positive resolution. Aggressively pointing out […]

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