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Category Archives: Family Counseling

A Parent’s Role In Child Counseling: MI Child Counseling

Parents who take an active role in child counseling significantly improve their child’s success and progress. The counselor will work with your child directly, but there are things you can do to carry out the lessons learned after the counseling sessions are over. Let’s take a closer look at the role parents play in child […]

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Lifestyle Changes To Reduce ADHD Symptoms: MI ADHD Counseling

Sometimes all it takes is a simple lifestyle adjustment to significantly reduce a child’s ADHD symptoms. By changing his activities, diet and daily routines, you can improve your child’s ability to focus and learn. Combine this with professional ADHD counseling, and you will see a tremendous change in your kid’s behaviors. Here are some tips […]

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Why Effective Family Therapy Makes a Difference?

Modern family therapy moves beyond the conventional concepts as examines a family a core social organism with its unique collective and individual goals. Family is the resource of our deepest hope and happiness with a capacity for developing into the foundation of our greatest misery and disappointment. Family therapy, unlike most other psychotherapies, deals with […]

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Family Therapy and the Common Misconceptions

Family therapy is vital to treat and heal the emotional problems and scars of a family. However, there are some misconceptions associated with family therapy that frequently deters parents from seeking professional family therapy intervention for their children. Family therapy is essentially a brief therapy – Most parents visualize an image of a never-ending talk […]

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Get Rid Of Your Problems by Functioning As A Family

The family is a group of related individuals who depend on each other for a number of factors, both physical as well as psychological. However, the entire family is put into jeopardy when one of its members suffers psychologically and has trouble fitting in. Psychotherapists often recommend family counseling for all the members if the […]

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Why “Good Cop, Bad Cop” Parenting Doesn’t Work

A lot of parents establish a “good cop, bad cop” relationship when it comes to disciplining their children. The mother may act as the strict rule-enforcer while the father acts as the laid-back advocate for the child. This seems like a sound setup in theory, but it can actually lead to a number of problems […]

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How To Minimize Family Fighting Around The Holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner, which means that you will soon be enjoying special moments with your family. If you have a large, opinionated family though, that bonding time could soon turn into fighting time. Stress is never ideal around the holidays, even if it is something you’re used to. The tips […]

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5 Reasons Every Couple Should Go Through Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is designed to prepare an engaged couple before they get married. This is often done through a church with the help of the clergy presiding over the ceremony. Whether you’re religious or not though, premarital counseling is something that you should strongly consider going through before you walk down the aisle. Here are […]

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Parenting Tips After Divorce

Divorces are hard enough to get through when they involve just two people, but they can be particularly difficult when children are involved. If you and your spouse have decided to separate, you will need to adjust your parenting styles to accommodate your new lives. The transition isn’t easy, but it is one that you […]

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The Secret To A Long Lasting Marriage

Only 35% of marriages reach their 25th anniversary, and only 6% make it to their 50th. Those statistics aren’t a great sign for the U.S. One of the main reasons why so many couples end up divorced in this country is because they rush into marriage without learning how to communicate with one another. If […]

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