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Category Archives: Emotions

Sitting Up Straight Could Reduce Depression Symptoms: MI Depression Counseling

According to a new study from the University of Auckland, improving your posture could have a dramatic impact on your self-esteem and depression. By simply sitting up straighter throughout the day, you could reduce your depression symptoms and have a more positive outlook on life. Let’s take a closer look at how this process works […]

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How To Stop Cutting Yourself: A Personal Journey

Recently, a very dear friend of mind revealed a deep secret she had never shared with anyone else before: she is a recovering cutter. “Cutting” is a form of self-mutilation in which people cope with stress, depression, anxiety, and more by making small cuts on their bodies. This process is dangerous for a variety of […]

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The Struggle Of Dating Someone With Anxiety Disorder

If you do not have an anxiety disorder, you might find it difficult to date someone with this condition. This is far from an impossible task to take on, but you need to spend some time understanding your new partner’s situation before you react poorly to it. You could either help this person conquer elements […]

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Do You Have Symptoms Of Codependency? Part 2

Loss Of Control Codependents lose their ability to control their own lives. This may happen as a result of the person they are with, or it may be due to drug and alcohol addiction. Some codependents keep themselves busy with work, shopping, and other hobbies to feel like they are in control again. Many of […]

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Ambivalence & Conquering Mixed Emotions

It is often assumed that once you have set your mind down a certain pathway of confidence, any conflicts that have arisen will obviously vanish. Consequently, we think that making the “right” decision is any decision we have settled on. But, what happens when your mind and heart are at battle, and two paths seem […]

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Coping With Panic Attacks

Anxiety Disorder Therapy to Cope With Panic Attacks If you have been suffering from constant stress, obsessive thoughts, incapacitating phobia, and severe panic attacks, you may suffer from anxiety disorder. However, you do not have to survive with fear and anxiety. Treatment definitely helps and for various anxiety issues, taking recourse to a professional anxiety […]

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Personality Disorders: Part 2

Personality disorders are more common than most people realize, but that does not make them any easier to live with. If you have a disorder that you cannot control, you may end up feeling hopeless, helpless, and completely alone. Understanding your situation may help you control your actions and emotions better, or at least feel […]

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Conflict Resolution

Conquering Conflict  A conflict can be defined as a difference of opinions, collision, or clashing. These types of disagreements immediately ignite opposition and incompatibility, leading to a multitude of problems many people exploring counseling face on a daily basis. It is important to remember that conflict is not limited to a clash between two people, […]

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Relax And Enjoy

Let Life Become a Lifetime of Fun! It is a bizarre experience when you start recognizing the ominous signs of life draining out of your existence and nothing can salvage the situation. It is time to sit back and evaluate exactly what has gone wrong for life to seem nothing but drudgery. Whether you are […]

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Free From Love Addiction Part 2

And you weren’t mine to begin with. And then not to end with. Eventually, the fix you found in the beginning will fade away, and all your worries and fears will come rushing back, stronger than before. This suffocating experience is not only emotional, but can take a physical toll on you and your body. […]

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