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Monthly Archives: March 2015

Why Effective Family Therapy Makes a Difference?

Modern family therapy moves beyond the conventional concepts as examines a family a core social organism with its unique collective and individual goals. Family is the resource of our deepest hope and happiness with a capacity for developing into the foundation of our greatest misery and disappointment. Family therapy, unlike most other psychotherapies, deals with […]

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Family Therapy and the Common Misconceptions

Family therapy is vital to treat and heal the emotional problems and scars of a family. However, there are some misconceptions associated with family therapy that frequently deters parents from seeking professional family therapy intervention for their children. Family therapy is essentially a brief therapy – Most parents visualize an image of a never-ending talk […]

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Faith and Trust Are the Foundations of Christian Counseling

Drawing upon the best practices of Christian ideology and psychology, Christian counseling is an integrated approach that combines counseling with the religious perspective of Christianity. Extent of Christian Counseling The scope of Christian counseling encompasses multiple aspects of therapy, ranging from pre-marital counseling; couple, individual, and family therapy for adults, children, and adolescents; relationship and […]

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Get a Grip on Your Grieving Emotions

Grief, bereavement, and loss are an array of reactive emotions that frequently overlap in our regular experience. Though in psychological parlance each of these emotions is categorized differently, for most of us the pervading sentiment involve an absolute feeling of sadness, yearning, regret, and all-encompassing pain. If gone unaddressed for a long period, it can […]

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Low Self-Esteem and Effective Self Esteem Therapy

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in determining our well-being as well as leading a meaningful life. Self-esteem, in its essence, is the degree of our confidence, self-worth, and self-respect. Existing on a continuum, self-esteem varies from low to high and low self-esteem is often associated with self-criticism, self-doubt, shame, suppressed anger, and social isolation. Low […]

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Get Rid Of Your Problems by Functioning As A Family

The family is a group of related individuals who depend on each other for a number of factors, both physical as well as psychological. However, the entire family is put into jeopardy when one of its members suffers psychologically and has trouble fitting in. Psychotherapists often recommend family counseling for all the members if the […]

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Strengthen Your Bond Of Love By Seeing A Marriage Counselor

It is a well known fact that almost 50% of marriages in USA end in a divorce. However, it need not be so all the time. True, sometimes the partners locked in a marriage may not actually be made for each other but in majority of these cases, the couple may still love each other […]

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Learn To Face Life With The Help Of Mental Health Counseling

If you are suffering from any form of mental illness it is advisable to get yourself counseled. Being mentally ill does not always mean becoming insane to behaving like a raving maniac. Certain obsessive behavior or forgetfulness and anxiety can also be defined as mental illness. It is best to get yourself treated before the […]

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Get Out Of Depression And Lead A Normal Life

Being depressed is normal enough. You cannot go on being in an elated state all the time certainly. However, the mental condition known as depression is very different from feeling a trifle sad once in a while. It is actually a complex psychological problem that has a number of different symptoms and causes. The affected […]

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Why Is Group Counseling Effective In Dealing With Behavioral Problems?

Counselors who aim to get inside the minds of their parents and identify their problems before sitting down and talking about the issues, usually opt for a one to one session. However, holding counseling sessions simultaneously with a group of individuals facing similar problems is often deemed to be effective as well. It is, therefore, […]

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