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Get a Grip on Your Grieving Emotions

Grief Counseling Grief, bereavement, and loss are an array of reactive emotions that frequently overlap in our regular experience. Though in psychological parlance each of these emotions is categorized differently, for most of us the pervading sentiment involve an absolute feeling of sadness, yearning, regret, and all-encompassing pain. If gone unaddressed for a long period, it can result in melancholia. Grief is an obvious reaction to some form of loss – including a series of feelings from anger to deep sadness, and the procedure of adapting to the significant loss often varies considerably from one individual to another, determined by his background, relationship, beliefs, and various other factors.

Grieving Behaviors and Thoughts

The different grieving behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are generally classified into two main categories – instrumental and intuitive.

  • Instrumental grieving focuses primarily on different problem-solving tasks while minimizing or controlling emotional expressions
  • Intuitive grieving involves heightened emotional experiences leading to explore the lost relationship, share feelings, consider mortality, and identify meaning in life

However, one must be aware that there is no right or wrong process of experiencing grief – though some thoughts and behaviors can be more safe or helpful than the others.

Grief and the Recovery Process

Everyone grieves in their personal time and in their own manner. There is no ‘one’ way to grieve. Some people prefer to dive into their emotions and there are some who remain stoic and seek distraction in daily life. One of the numerous challenges related to lamenting the loss of a dear one, whether dissolution of the relationship or death, is adjusting to the reality of continuing life in the absence of that loved individual. This often demands envisaging the new future, creating a new routine, and in some cases, adopting a while new identity.

While various complicated and difficult emotions are associated with the process of grieving, experience of contentment, humor, and joy are always not missing during this hard time. Physical exercise, self-compassion, and caring social support contribute to alleviate some of the challenging phases of grief.

Grief Counseling

When the grief-related behaviors, thoughts, or feelings remain unrelenting, extremely distressing, or cerate concern – help might be sought from qualified mental health professionals. The therapist must be trained with the right license and proper authorization to support his qualifications. Therapy is one of the effective ways to learn to deal with the stressors associated with grief. It helps to manage various symptoms with useful techniques such as meditation or relaxation.