Eventually, the fix you found in the beginning will fade away, and all your worries and fears will come rushing back, stronger than before. This suffocating experience is not only emotional, but can take a physical toll on you and your body. Symptoms such as nausea, lack of sleep, and refusal to eat, are common, as you have lost the drive to live for yourself. Your daily habits are intertwined with maintaining the addictive relationship, and the joy people feel from self-love is no longer present.
And you let me leave. And then wish I’d stayed.
While as challenging and implausible as it may seem, there are several reasons why an addictive relationship will eventually self-destruct and come to an end. This will be is most likely the case, and it may be due to the failure to feed the personal anxiety, and your significant other has left. Perhaps it may be your desire to keep the relationship going, by changing the other person. It may also be realizing who you are and knowing you need help.
Regardless of the reason, ultimately recognizing the addiction and leaving denial at the door, is the pathway towards recovery. For any successful couple to succeed, it takes the strength and personal understanding of individuals to know that relationships area joint effort. No one should be left holding the burden and weight of a failing alliance and bond.
And you almost killed me. But I didn’t die.
Improving upon your personal life first starts with the will to change your current situation. You’ve hit a roadblock you cannot cross, and the pain is too much to bear. Understand that you’re not working towards repairing the relationship, but rather repairing yourself. Take the time to appreciate and value what you have to offer to your own life. Dealing with your own feelings and fears, will allow you to understand where this dependency stems from and mend any past wounds. The courage to stop this pattern is there; want it as if you life depended on it. Remember, and you’re not the only person that‘s suffered this way. There is a clear path to a better palace in live, and there are people available to help guide you in the road to recovery and wholeness.
Passages taken from I Wrote This for You by Pleasefindthis