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Category Archives: Addictions

Addiction Information

Addiction can cause even the most normally highly functioning person to become almost completely non-functioning. It can also hide itself in highly functioning people as well. The most well established CEO can be having a horrible addiction and that’s the thing about addiction…nobody can know about it for a long time if people hide it […]

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Video Game Addiction

While it is easier to understand being addicted to drugs, alcohol or other substances; video game addiction is a relatively new kind of addiction altogether. It is recent and often affects kids and teenagers. The effects of this particular addiction are not to be taken lightly though, it can develop into a full blown addiction […]

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Is Smartphone Addiction Causing You Stress At Work?

Smartphone addiction is a growing problem in the United States, and it is one that most people just aren’t acknowledging yet. Most scholars define smartphone addicts as those who check their phones more than 60 times a day, but even a small smartphone obsession could have negative ramifications in your life. Whether you are slightly […]

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How To Overcome Your Anxiety In Public

If you suffer from anxiety, you might find it difficult to “go out” an “explore” like most people do. Public situations can be incredibly challenging for someone with anxiety because the pressure of the crowd, the noise, and the activities can seem completely overwhelming. With a few simple tricks though, you can successfully get through […]

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Is Overeating An Addiction?

There’s a big difference between being overweight and being morbidly obese. Once you reach any level of “obesity,” you know that you have a problem you need to correct. For some, it’s a matter of eating too much. For others, it’s a matter of eating the wrong food without working it off. No matter what […]

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How To Get Out Of An Addictive Relationship

READ ABOUT SIGNS OF ADDICTIVE RELATIONSHIPS Addictive relationships are more common than most people realize, and they can be detrimental to both parties involved. What may come across as dedicated clinginess may actually be a sign of a much more serious problem. If you have already determined that you are in an addictive relationship, you may […]

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Are You In An Addictive Relationship?

Is it love or addiction? Is your dependency on your partner a sign that you are in a dangerous downward spiral with your relationship? Is it possible to love someone “too much?” These are the kinds of questions that surround addictive relationships. While you might think that you are head over heels for someone else, […]

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Free From Love Addiction Part 2

And you weren’t mine to begin with. And then not to end with. Eventually, the fix you found in the beginning will fade away, and all your worries and fears will come rushing back, stronger than before. This suffocating experience is not only emotional, but can take a physical toll on you and your body. […]

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Free From Love Addiction Part 1

Being enthralled with a whirlwind romance is more common than ever before. Unfortunately, both men and women alike find themselves swept up in the moments and ignoring present pain and suffering within their relationship. Being stuck in a bond with a lover can become obsessive; and just like any other addictive substance, withdrawal seems impossible, […]

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Overcoming Addiction And Addictive Thinking

Addiction is a harmful dependence for drugs, alcohol or activities such as sex or gambling that affect the day-to-day functioning of a person. For someone who struggles with addiction, there is a very strong compulsion which can only be satisfied through the source of their vice. People who struggle with this dependence are often unaware […]

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